Sunday, January 2, 2011

First Program "hello world"

Here is the first program from which you can start your programming as i did. C is a general purpose programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Laboratories(1972).
C is the one of the most popular language of all the time. C is  influenced by B, BCPL, CPL, ALGOL, Assembly, FORTRAN, PL/I and it has influenced many languages like C++, C--, C#, Objective C, BitC, D, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Pike , LPC and Python etc.
Look at the program below and try to understand it.

/*  Name: hello world
Author: Parveen Malik,,
Date: 02/01/11 15:11      // comment section

#include<stdio.h> // header section

void main() //program starts from here
printf("hello world"); // Prints the "hello world" on console screen


} //exit

[caption id="attachment_8" align="aligncenter" width="662" caption="OUTPUT"]First Program "hello world"[/caption]


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